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除静电帮按摩 网球化身居家好帮手_J9·九游会游戏「中国」官方网站


本文摘要:Many of us will have a tube of tennis balls gathering dust in the bottom of a cupboard. 毕竟很多人都会有一管尘封于橱柜底的网球。

Many of us will have a tube of tennis balls gathering dust in the bottom of a cupboard. 毕竟很多人都会有一管尘封于橱柜底的网球。But the sports balls have many uses beyond the tennis court, and are in fact one of the handiest objects to have lying around the house in a pinch. 但这小小网球除了在赛场大显神通外,也有很多其他用途,在适当时也能化身家用神器。From getting rid of static in the tumble dryer, to cleaning the pool and removing static, the bright green balls are remarkably versatile. 家务万能的鲜绿色网球不仅能除去滚筒式烘干机里的静电,还能在清除泳池的同时避免静电。

Static in your clothes can be a nightmare to remove, but if you dont have a box of dryer sheets handy - or are unwilling to shell out for the expensive laundry product - tennis balls are the solution. 衣服上吸附的静电堪称是挥之不去的噩梦。如果你手头没一盒干衣机布,或者不愿花钱去卖这种便宜的洗净产品,你可以尝试用网球来解决问题这一困难。Homemaking blogger Im A Lazy Mom suggests wrapping a tennis ball in aluminium foil as an alternative. 家政博主“我是哑妈妈”建议用包覆了铝箔纸的网球替换。

You get the benefit of the foil for the static, and you get the benefit of the tennis ball for faster drying and fluffier laundry! she wrote. “神器挥,不仅没静电苦恼,衣服腊得还慢,手感也更加坚硬啦!”博客中如是写到。Changing up your curtain rod finials can be as simple as using a cutting out a hole in a tennis ball (enough to get for the rod to fit through). 要给窗帘杆换回个装饰头很非常简单,只要在网球上凿个洞就好了(洞口要和窗帘杆的笔画相匹配)。

Then wrapping it with cloth matching your curtain, pop it on the end like a finial as shown on home DIY blog In Her Own Style. 接着给凿好洞的网球包覆上与窗帘风格吻合的布料做到装饰,最后将它按到窗帘杆上才可。这一创新由居家DIY博客“特有风格”获取。

Mums with school children will probably have scuff marks around the home. 家中有学童的妈妈们可能会为他们留给的各种磨损痕迹煎熬脑筋。To get rid of those pesky eyesores try rubbing a dry tennis ball on the black streaks. 为了避免这些碍眼的印记,你可以试着用一个潮湿的网球在黑色印记上往返摩擦。

Forget using a pool cleaning machine that costs hundreds to run a year, tennis balls can be used as a pool cleaner. 用于一个泳池清洗机每年要花费数百美元,所以急忙弃用吧,网球们几乎可以替换它洗手泳池。Throw in a couple of tennis balls in the water to absorb up body oils and any small bits of trash on the top layer of the pool and youve got yourself an affordable pool cleaner. 往水里扔到两三个网球就可以清扫其中掺入的护肤油及任何浪在池面的细小垃圾,这样你几乎可以自己洗手泳池。But if you have got a painful knot in your back, try using a tennis ball as massaging device by laying back on it and rolling back and forth. 如果仍然感觉后背疼痛,你可以试着把网球当成美容工具,躺在上面让它前后滑动,协助减轻背部呼吸困难。

