本文摘要:Chinese tech giant Huawei on Wednesday said its global smartphone sales jumped by 39% in the first half of the year.中国科技巨头华为周三称之为,其全球智能手机销售量今年上半年剧增,增幅约39%。Chinese tech giant Huawei on Wednesday said its global smartphone sales jumped by 39% in the first half of the year.中国科技巨头华为周三称之为,其全球智能手机销售量今年上半年剧增,增幅约39%。It comes after the worlds fourth-biggest smartphone maker posted a 30% growth in overall revenue on Monday.Huawei said it shipped 48.2 million devices globally in the first half of 2015, giving them a 87% surge in handset sales revenues.The company is competing with Apple and Xiaomi for the top spot in China, the worlds biggest handset market.时隔周一世界第四大手机制造商审批了其总收入增幅约30%之后,华为称之为其在2015上半年行销世界各地的手机设备约四千八百二十万件,致其销售收入激增87%。华为目前和苹果还有小米联合竞争中国手机市场的首席地位,而中国是世界仅次于的手机市场。
The boost in sales figures comes after the firm said it would shed its low-cost appeal and include high-margin premium models to challenge Samsung and Apple at the top-end of the market. Huawei said that shipments for the mid-to-high-end category recorded a year-on-year increase of 70%.此前,华为称之为将退出低端机市场改向低利润高端机型,以此挑战三星和苹果在高端市场的份额,之后华为的销售量之后突飞猛进。华为称之为其行销海外的中高端机型比上年快速增长70%。Regarding sales in China, the firm managed to defy a slowdown hitting its rivals Samsung and Xiaomi.Overall smartphone shipments in China in the first quarter of 2015 shrank for the first time in six years, with one-time leader Xiaomi saying the domestic market was nearing saturation.就中国整体销售而言,华为顺利顶着了销售滑坡的威胁,打败三星和小米两大竞争对手。
2015年第一季度中国整体智能手机的销售六年来首次大跌,曾多次一度领军的小米称之为,国内市场已将近饱和状态。On Monday, Huawei released its earnings results for the first six months of the year, posting a 30% increase in revenue to 175.9bn yuan ($28.3bn; 18.2bn) and giving a positive outlook for further growth in 2015. Aside from smartphones, the Shenzhen-based firm is one of the worlds largest telecommunications companies, competing with the likes of Swedens Ericsson on infrastructure such as mobile phone masts.周一,华为公布了其上半年收益报告,收益约人民币1759亿元(大约283亿美元或182亿英镑),增幅约30%,2015年未来将会更进一步快速增长。华为总部设于深圳,是世界仅次于的远程通信公司之一。